Weaving the Fabric – Art Installation at the Constitution Museum
India’s first Constitution Museum at O.P. Jindal University does some very sensitive, engaging and artistic story telling about our Constitution and how it came into being.

The original hand-written constitution includes original works of art – drawings, paintings and illustrations by Indian artists of the time. This was on the insistence of some very senior leaders of the Constituent assembly. They wished to integrate India’s rich heritage into this document.
Inspired by the desire to make the museum accessible to all citizens and to also follow the ethos of the original document, Indian artists from around the country have been commissioned to create original works for this museum. They were asked to create works inspired by the Constitution and by what stood out for them.
I was also commissioned to create one such installation.
My ceramic installation called “Weaving the Fabric” is inspired by the idea of a nation bound in its differences. The idea of many perspectives making a whole and many identities making India.