Mudra is the Sanskrit word for hand postures as a nonverbal form of communication. In Indian art, it is strongly associated with Indian classical dance forms. But pottery, has Mudras of its own. These of course vary from region to region.
The mudras that you will see in the images below were taught to me by my teacher in art school. He was a traditional Indian potter, that is he came from a family of generations of potters from rural India.
This is me here, shot by my niece on an iPhone SE at my home studio.

The Mudras of Pottery 1. This is the first mudra to center the lump of clay at the potter’s wheel.

The Mudras of Pottery 2. In this mudra, the lump of clay is being hollowed out.

The Mudras of Pottery 3. Creating the foundation of the wall to come and evening out its thickness.

The Mudras of Pottery 4. Pulling the clay up into the form of a cylinder and thinning the walls as we go.

The Mudras of Pottery 5. Shaping the cylinder into a curved form.

The Mudras of Pottery 6. Finishing touches to the fine and delicate lip.
Felt Awesome to see the Madras of pottery